2764bc4 Ticket 48325 - Replica promotion leaves RUV out of order

Authored and Committed by mreynolds 8 years ago
    Ticket 48325 - Replica promotion leaves RUV out of order
    Bug Description:  When promoting a consumer to a master the new RUV
                      element is appended to the RUV.  However, when trying
                      to replicate from the newly promoted replica the
                      remote replica checks the first element in the RUV
                      and sees that its the same replica ID, and aborts the
                      replication session.  Essentailly this completely
                      breaks replication between the two servers, and can
                      actually corrupt other RUVs on other replicas.
    Fix Description:  When promoting a replica to a master, reorder the RUV
                      so that it is the first in the list.
    Reviewed by: nhosoi(Thanks!)
    (cherry picked from commit b896840d270a540698f35a4aac4f7a91742952b0)