15f2fc3 rhds81 hub with 71 master - err=32 on replica base search during replication

1 file Authored by rmeggins 14 years ago, Committed by nkinder 14 years ago,
    rhds81 hub with 71 master - err=32 on replica base search during replication
    Resolves: bug 509201
    Bug Description: rhds81 hub with 71 master - err=32 on replica base search during replication
    Reviewed by: nhosoi (Thanks!)
    Branch: HEAD
    Fix Description: This patch doesn't fix the problem, but it makes it less likely to occur in the future.  The problem is that we are not consistent about using normalized DNs everywhere.  Without using a normalized DN, it is impossible to construct a DN containing another DN (e.g. cn="dc=example, dc=com", cn=mapping tree, cn=config) that another client can match on.  This patch at least forces setup to use a normalized DN for the suffix.
    Platforms tested: RHEL5 x86_64
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: Yes - we will need to document what to do when running into this problem, as in the workaround in the bug report