
Created 8 years ago
Maintained by pnemade
iok is Indic Onscreen Keyboard application.  |
Members 1
Parag A Nemade committed 7 years ago

The iok application now supports Inscript2 keymap. Keymap parser is now re-written to support Inscript and Inscript2 standard. iok now uses Inscript2 as a default standard.

To start iok in any supported Inscript2 keymap (say in Marathi) use following command

 iok -n mr

As inscript2 keymap naming also uses scriptcode for some languages, command to open those keymaps is like this

iok -n pa-guru

where pa is isocode name for the language and guru is script code name in which keymap is written.

See README.old and manpage of iok for more information.