#4145 [RFE] Create DISA STIG SCAP content for IPA
Closed: Invalid None Opened 10 years ago by dpal.

Ticket was cloned from Red Hat Bugzilla (product RHEL RFE): Bug 1055123

Please note that this Bug is private and may not be accessible as it contains confidential Red Hat customer information.

Proposed title of this feature request
---> Create DISA STIG SCAP content for IPA

What is the nature and description of the request?
---> There are STIGs available for DNS, Firefox, APACHE, and Active Directory;
however, there is not a STIG for IPA. A STIG for the IPA portfolio needs to be created and supported.

Not an upstream issue.

Metadata Update from @dpal:
- Issue assigned to someone
- Issue set to the milestone: 0.0 NEEDS_TRIAGE

7 years ago

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