#839 [WIP] feat: Add language filter script
Closed 5 years ago by ryanlerch. Opened 6 years ago by sijis.
sijis/fedora-websites feature/filter_languages  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ 

+ """https://tagoh.bitbucket.io/zanata-js/module-zanata_project-Project.html#stats"""

+ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

+ import requests



+ def call_api(url):

+     headers = {

+         'X-Auth-User': 'your_username',

+         'X-Auth-Token': 'your_token',

+         'Content-Type': 'application/json',

+     }

+     querystring = {

+         'word': True,

+         'detail': False,

+     }

+     r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

+     return r.text



+ def get_translations(domain='getfedora.org'):

+     url = 'https://fedora.zanata.org/rest/stats/proj/fedora-web/iter/{0}'.format(domain)

+     results = call_api(url)

+     # print(results)

+     return results


+ def get_domains():

+     url = 'https://fedora.zanata.org/rest/projects/p/fedora-web'

+     raw_xml = call_api(url)

+     results = read_xml(raw_xml)

+     return results



+ def read_xml(results=None):

+     if results:

+         root = ET.fromstring(results)

+     else:

+         tree = ET.parse('results.xml')

+         root = tree.getroot()

+     # print('Root: %s' % root)

+     return root



+ def parse_xml(root):

+     results = []

+     stats = root[1]

+     for stat in stats:

+         record = stat.attrib

+         if record['unit'] == 'WORD':

+             translated, total = float(record['translated']), float(record['total'])

+             percentage = (translated / total) * 100

+             record['percentage'] = round(percentage)

+             results.append(record)

+     # print('Parsed xml: %s' % results)

+     return results



+ def filter_translations(translations, min_percent=25.0):

+     results = []

+     for result in translations:

+         if result['percentage'] >= min_percent:

+             results.append(result)

+     return results



+ def parse_domains(root):

+     results = []

+     domains = root[5]

+     for domain in domains:

+         record = domain.attrib['id']

+         results.append(record)

+     return results



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     domains_xml = get_domains()

+     domains = parse_domains(domains_xml)


+     print('Domains: %s' % domains)

+     for domain in domains:

+         results = get_translations(domain=domain)

+         xml_root = read_xml(results=results)

+         results = parse_xml(xml_root)

+         filtered = filter_translations(results)

+         print(filtered)

It will generate a list of translations that are over a certain
percentage of completion.

Fixes #821.

Is this one still being worked on?

are we able to close this one until it is ready for a review?

Pull-Request has been closed by ryanlerch

5 years ago