#11758 Please tombstone stale fedora-ci Matrix room
Closed: Fixed with Explanation 4 months ago by kevin. Opened 4 months ago by gui1ty.

Today, I ended up in the wrong room in Matrix searching for fedora-ci. It turned out the room I was in, https://matrix.to/#/#fedora-ci:fedora.im, is no longer used. The active room is at https://matrix.to/#/#fedora-ci:fedoraproject.org.

Could the fedora.im room be tombstoned, pointing to the active fedoraproject.org room?

This issue also got me thinking if it's possible somehow that fedoraproject.org rooms are shown in a simple search for users having fedora.im as their home server? That's a separate request, which probably deserves its own ticket, but I'm unsure where to report that. I'll gladly take pointers.

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

4 months ago

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue assigned to kevin

4 months ago

ok, done. The old room is pointing to the fedoraproject.org one and I moved the #fedora-ci:fedora.im alias over to it as well, so if anyone searches for that they will get the new room.

I don't think there's any way to default fedora.im homesever users to searching fedoraproject.org. We usually just put aliases on all the fedoraproject.org rooms so people can find them also in fedora.im.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed with Explanation
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 months ago

Thanks! This way at least people don't end up in abandoned rooms.

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