#10102 Allow outgoing rsync connection from mm-backend01 staging
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by kevin. Opened 2 years ago by adrian.

To test rsync based primary mirror scanning I need access to external rsync systems from mm-backend01 in staging. It works on the mm-backend01 system in production.

cc: @carlwgeorge

Metadata Update from @humaton:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)

2 years ago

Any chance to get this done? I would like to test the stream mirrormanager setup and need the possibility to scan via rsync.

This looks blocked by the Red Hat IT firewalls. I am not sure why it is blocked as I thought the networks were similar. This will take an internal firewall change ticket to accomplish.

Metadata Update from @smooge:
- Issue untagged with: low-gain, low-trouble
- Issue tagged with: high-trouble, medium-gain

2 years ago

I am changing the ticket because this is not a low trouble change and while the issue is with staging it is blocking production development.

So, I am trying to put in a ticket to fix this, but it's claiming that it's allowed.

Do you have an example rsync that hangs or doesn't work? I was putting in the tool for 'everything' but it claims that rsync is allowed for that. :(

Any rsync request to a CentOS mirror would work. So far everything I test fails:

[adrian@mm-backend01 ~][STG]$ rsync lisas.de::
rsync: failed to connect to lisas.de ( Connection refused (111)
rsync: failed to connect to lisas.de (2001:7c0:700::10): Network is unreachable (101)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(125) [Receiver=3.1.2]
[adrian@mm-backend01 ~][STG]$ rsync pubmirror1.math.uh.edu::
rsync: failed to connect to pubmirror1.math.uh.edu ( Connection refused (111)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(125) [Receiver=3.1.2]
[adrian@mm-backend01 ~][STG]$ rsync mirrors.kernel.org::
rsync: failed to connect to mirrors.kernel.org ( Connection refused (111)
rsync: failed to connect to mirrors.kernel.org (2001:19d0:306:6:0:1994:3:14): Network is unreachable (101)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(125) [Receiver=3.1.2]

So, I filed a bug/ticket on the networking ticket adding tool. ;) Hopefully they will fix that and this...

ok, it should be fixed now. :)

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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